<aside> 📌 At Cityscoot the product culture is constantly evolving and growing. Our tool stack is diverse and depends strongly on the preference of the PM / squad. That being said, the only strong requirement is the knowledge management across all functions (product, UX, tech, marketing…) being centralised, so whatever the tool used, there is transcription and only a single point of truth. Today the knowledge management tool at Cityscoot is Confluence.


How do we ensure productivity (i.e. quantity/speed and quality/value of final outputs that maximise the desired outcome)? What tools and methods do we use at each step of the product life cycle?

0- A quick word about our organisation

Before diving deep into our processes and tool to ensure Product Management efficiency, here are some quick insights about our organisation, because a badly organised company will never achieve efficiency, regardless of the tools 😉

We are still learning and evolving organisation-wise, but as Ralph Emerson said more than 100 years ago: “All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better”!

<aside> 💡 Iteration and continuous improvement are key, this is a view as of today (October 2022).


Alignement company-wide

We combine well known frameworks like OKRs and inspirations from others like SaFe (without implementing its full rigidity) to set up a coherent and aligned atomic strategy.


Composition of teams

Pluridisciplinarity and team autonomy are at the heart and the building blocks of our entire organisation.

Typical squads are composed of: